Moving to Beverly? | Beverly movers

Thinking of moving to Beverly, MA? While this is not the Beverly they made a TV show about way back when, it sure is one worth considering moving to. With chic houses, breath-taking views, and great schools, this small town 26 miles from Boston sounds like an ideal place. The small-town charm combined with lots of opportunities and with proximity to the big city make a great combination. Businesses of all kinds are blooming in Beverly, the ocean is never more than 15 minutes walking from you, and people are all friendly and welcoming. Have we convinced you yet? If not, keep reading to find out our arguments in favor of moving to Beverly.
They call this place the “Garden City”, and you can bet it is worth its nickname. Beverly is a paradise of outdoor parks and open spaces. Several beaches are spread around town and the Atlantic Ocean makes for some great views here. You even have a lot of dog parks and walking trails in town! Asides from these, you should probably know that Beverly has one of the best hospitals in the entire county, as well as a first-class public school system. Many people who move to Beverly keep commuting to Boston for work, but their kids are often enrolled at the local schools. After all, the town is relatively small and safe, and is definitely less hectic than Boston.
You will never get bored
If you choose to move to Beverly, you will find a lot of things to do in town. From attending a live performance in one of the local theatres to enjoying a Mexican dinner in a fancy themed restaurant, this place has a lot to offer. The best part is that everything is walking distance from you, including the ocean and the train station – in case you want to travel elsewhere every now and then. Small businesses are spread all around town, and you can find very creative, original, and high-quality products to purchase there, from clothes to furniture. Forget all about the mass-market! Beverly is also home to many cultural and artistic events that you can attend together with your entire family. There is really a lot to do here!
They have great services
And this statement applies both when talking about public and private. From schools to hospitals and from post offices to cleaning services, everything works perfectly. Even when talking about hospitality service, Beverly offers a lot! You will forget all about dining out in Boston once you discover the places they have here in town. Classy restaurants with exquisite meals are minutes away from you, anywhere you are in Beverly! Raising children here is also a great idea. Not only because the school system is state-of-the-art, but also because the town is safe. Beverly is not small enough for everyone to know everyone, but it is still a very safe place and you will feel this once you step foot here.
Houses are affordable
Especially when compared to Boston. The idea is you can find really nice houses here for way less than you would pay for something similar in Boston. The median home value is under $400,000, and bear in mind that most people living here work in the big city and earn accordingly. You should know that property taxes are similar to Boston, and that sure is something to consider. About 2/3 of the people living in Beverly own their homes, mainly because of these high taxes. If buying would be too difficult, you should consider renting. At a median rent of $1,100 per month, it is easily understandable why so many people here choose to rent.
Beverly is currently home to over 41,000 people, and the number keeps increasing. A lot of people decide to leave Boston and relocate here, for a more peaceful and meaningful living. The costs of living in Beverly are quite high, but overall, living here is definitely more affordable than living in Boston. And the best part is you get a lot for the money you pay. The town is a real gem, with sparkling clean streets, excellent services, and a lot of nature to enjoy wherever you are.
Should your decision of moving to Beverly be final, make sure to book a move with a reputable moving company. This will ease up your life more than you can possibly imagine and will help you start your new life in Beverly properly! Get in touch with Stairhopper Movers for a free estimate!