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Moving to the suburbs with kids

If you have ever moved then you know that it can be quite a stressful ordeal. So how can you make this stressful event into one that your children see as an adventure?

Effects of moving

Psychologists have compared the stress of a move to that of loss and divorce. This is because of the many things that change in each of these circumstances. In each case, we may lose friends, belongings, and a sense of security associated with consistency.

Naturally then when we move with children we worry even more. But this does not need to be the case. Clear communication can help the transition. So what should you chat to your kids about?

Are you moving for work?

Explain that this will help the future of the family financially. Perhaps even chat about your children’s dreams. Explain that they will need to follow their dreams one day just like mom or dad has to now.

Is your new home more family-friendly?

Moving from a city to a suburb can mean that you will have more space. Movers in Danvers, MA found that the fact that it is a densely populated suburb made for an easier transition. Ensure your children know what the benefits will be for the family unit.

Are you looking for space?

Suburban life means that you will get more space. Ever remember arguing about who would get the bigger room as a kid? Or break a window because the garden was too small for your baseball game? Let your children know a move to a suburb means that they will have plenty of space. Space that will be just theirs. Children, especially teens love their own space so this will help with them over. For the younger ones, you may even be able to have a family match or build a treehouse.

Need a little less noise?

When we live in the city life is very busy, noisy and everything is close by. Moving to a suburban area means things can be further away. So you know all the noise that you became so used to? The noise that became a lullaby to your children? They will be gone. Instead, though you may have the peace and quiet that you so desire after a long day. This may take some adjusting so give your children time. Teach them about the sounds of nature or put on some meditative music before bed.

Trying to get away from the rush?

Is the convenience of the city no longer worth the fact that you have people brushing up against you? Well, then you’re ready for the move. But how will you explain to your children that you now have to go further to get where you need to be or maybe you even need a little convincing. Alone time in the car may be all the convincing you need. And for the kids, and those in need of good family time, there will be plenty of opportunity for some family karaoke in the car. If you have teenagers the idea that there will certainly be space to teach them how to drive may be all you need to share. Movers in Danvers have found that the balance between young families and retirees makes for the perfect calming suburban life.

Moving to a better school district?

Chat to your children about their dreams for the future. Look at statistics of schools in the area that you are moving to. Movers in Danvers found that the great public schools in the area were a great drawing card for them. Being in a good school will ensure that your child is prepared for the future that they want. Letting them know that they will have more options in the future (when it comes to university) may help them see this as a step toward their future. Look at potential schools with them before making the move.

How to include your children in the move

We all like being included, so get the kids involved. This will give them a sense of responsibility. Make them feel that they are a part of what is going on not just a casualty.

Let them pack

Allowing them to pack will mean that there’s less for you to do, hopefully. Although they may need guidance this will help them feel independent. You can also use this as an opportunity to declutter. Get them to have a pile for keeping, charity, and the bin. Ensure that they go with you to do the donation. Giving is such a great way to feel good and help others all at once. Give them a set number of boxes for the “keep” pile. This will help them take responsibility for their things.

Allow them to be part of the process

We all want it to be quick and easy to find our forever home, right? But the reality is that this is a process.

Visit the area

Take the whole family to the suburbs. Look at houses in person and allow your children to ask questions too (especially if you’re renting- letting them know the rules is important). Of course, you may need to give younger children a crash course in what they may want to ask or get the easy questions out of the way before you get there.

Go on adventures and create memories in the area. Who doesn’t want to live in the place they once had a fantastic holiday? This will help children associate the place with great times.

Perhaps even let them bring a friend for the trip so that they see the place. Having a friend know where you are going to stay means sharing things with them is easier. For children, this connection is especially important.

Moving is scary and exciting. And when we have children this can be more difficult, making it even worse. Help your kids and remember you are all in it together. If you need advice or a quote to make the process hassle-free, contact Stairhopper Movers to assist with your move to Danvers.

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